The story is told of a man who had reached the end of his rope, had given up hope, and feeling all alone, was about to jump off the side of a bridge. Fortunately, another man saw what was about to happen and raced over to help him.
That’s when it got really interesting.
When the man arrived on the scene, he belted out to the other fellow, “Don’t jump!”
The terrified man quickly replied, “But I have nothing to live for!”
The second man shouted, “Sure you do! Are you a man of faith?”
“Yes,” the conflicted man said, with some confusion in his face.
“Me too!” exclaimed the would-be hero. “Are you Christian, Jewish, or Muslim?”
“Christian,” called down the jumper.
“As am I!” shouted the man below. “Tell me, are you Catholic or Protestant?”
“I’m a Protestant,” came the reply from above.
“Me too!” excitedly declared the man at the bottom of the bridge. “Liberal or Conservative?” he inquired.
Instantly, the man replied, “Conservative!” He was actually beginning to gain some hope.
“I am, too!” shouted the jubilant man down below. “Evangelical or Fundamentalist, my good sir?”
“Evangelical, of course!” said the first man, who thought he had finally found a friend.
“Me too!” cried the man below. “Charismatic, Reformed, or Baptist?” he continued.
“Baptist, my dear brother! Baptist!” By this point, the man was climbing down off the ledge.
“Me too!” exclaimed the man who had just talked him down from his death. “Southern Baptist or Independent Baptist?”
“Independent Baptist,” smiled the man as he threw out his arms to hug the man who saved his life.
“Independent Baptist?!?! Die you infidel scum!” And with that, the man pushed him off the bridge to his death.
It’s a funny story…until we actually realize we do the same thing in different ways. For instance, we notice Christians who differ from us in the slightest of ways, and we treat them as though they were the Roman Emperors who threw ancient believers to the lions.
Doesn’t Christianity have enough division?
Jesus taught us about the love we must have for each other:
A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another. (John 13:34-35)
Topics Illustrated Include:
Jesus’ Teaching
(Resource cataloged by David R Smith)