George was a fairly religious fellow. He tried to live a good, decent life, and thought fairly highly of his 74 years on Earth. But just for good measure, he decided to go to confession…just to make sure, you know.
When the anxious old man finally sat down with the priest, the clergy man asked George about matters of life and faith. The priest also asked George about his family and loved ones. But most of the questions focused on the older gentleman’s relationship with God.
“George,” said the priest. “Are you at peace with God, and if so, how do you know?”
George replied, “God and me are close! We are so connected that when I get up in the middle of the night – poof! – the light comes on and I go to the bathroom and then – poof! – the light goes back off!”
“Wow!” exclaimed his priest. “That’s…that’s incredible!”
Later that day, the priest had occasion to call George’s wife. “Hilda,” he said, “How are you doing? Are things well between you and God?”
Hilda gave a lackluster response, to which the priest admonished her, “I wish you had as good a relationship with God as George does. Has he told you about how close his relationship with God is? George claims that he and God are so close that God turns on the light for him when he uses the bathroom during the night. When he’s done, he says God turns the light back off.”
Hilda replied, “Oh geez. He’s peeing in the fridge again!”
Topics Illustrated Include:
(Resource cataloged by David R Smith)