Most days, Thomas gets dropped off at school by his mom. Most days, he’s wearing his Superman t-shirt with the iconic “S” emblazoned on his little chest. And most days, …
- ChildrenCultureEducationEvolutionGod's WordHomosexualityPerversionSchoolScienceSexSexual ImmoralitySexual SinStudentTeensTraditionValues
Sex Education 2.0
For several thousand years, sex education was simple: do it the way God says do it. However, that straightforward counsel began to undergo a major overhaul in 1964 with the …
- AssuranceAtonementBeliefsChildrenConfidenceConvictionsLearnSalvationSchoolTeacherTrustUnderstanding
The Word of the Day
Mrs. Rawlings stood in front of her class of second graders and said, “Today’s word is definitely. The word definitely means ‘absolutely, positively, without a doubt.’ Can anyone use the …
- BlameChildrenFailureFatherLearnMisunderstandingResponsibilitySchoolStudentSurpriseTeacherTeachingTeens
A Spanking for Bad Grades
Dylan wasn’t getting good grades. Maybe it was his short attention span. Maybe it was because he wasn’t the sharpest tool in the shed. Maybe it was a combination of …
- ActionsBeliefsCommitmentCommunicationHypocrisyLawLessonSchoolTeacherTrustTruth
Do You REALLY Believe?
There’s a lot of difference between saying you believe something, and actually basing your life on that belief. Famed author and communicator Ken Davis claims to have developed a unique …
Two trains leave Chicago at the same time. One heads south at 55mph while the other goes north at 38mph with a tailwind of 14 knots. If the first train’s …