The next time a strange woman shows up at Stephen Amaral’s door and wants to go skinny dipping in his backyard pool, the Crossville, TN resident will think twice about …
Suleiman the Magnificent was the longest-ruling leader in the Ottoman Empire. The mighty sultan led successful military conquests on multiple continents and the legal system he set in place transformed …
- AddictionBad NewsCatholicCorruptGamblingJesus' TeachingMisleadingMoneyMotivePastorReputationStealTheft
Pastor Takes Big Gamble
You’ve heard the expression “What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas” right? Well, it seems it’s not as simple as that. Sometimes, what happens in Vegas can land you in …
- AdvertisingCelebritiesFakeImageMisleadingMisrepresentationMistakePhotoshopSelf-ImageSexUnreal
Unreal Advertisements
It’s no secret that images gracing the covers of the most popular magazines in the country are enhanced (or “Photoshopped”) to make the particular model look even more appealing. (Hey, …
In France in 1943, a crowd of men, women and children huddled together at the train station. Dressed for a long journey and standing with their bags at their sides, …