“We are half-hearted creatures, fooling about with drink and sex and ambition when infinite joy is offered us, like an ignorant child who wants to go on making mud pies …
When Frodo and Sam left the safety of The Shire, their perilous mission was to destroy the One Ring in the fires of Mt. Doom located in the dark and …
Imagine that you’ve just been set free from an oppressive concentration camp. You’ve been ruthlessly worked and have seen friends and loved ones die in the process. How would you …
- BlessingChildrenChristmasEvangelismGiftsGivingGod's PlanGospelGratitudeGreat CommissionHusbandJoyLoveMarriageMissionsWeddingWife
It All Started With A Shoebox
Just before Christmas in 2000, a 7-year-old boy named Tyrel Wolfe stuffed a humble shoebox with simple gifts, along with a picture of himself dressed like a cowboy, and mailed …
- AngerChildrenChurchGod (Nature Of)HappinessJoyKidsMisunderstandingMomPatienceTraditionWorship
Smiling in Church
Church can be a place that’s filled with distractions: cell phones with annoying ring tones, old people who cough loudly (and unceasingly), and of course, babies that cry. But what …
Daybreak on April 2, 1945. True, it was Easter Sunday, but the last thing Louis Boyle had on his mind was the resurrection of Jesus or church services. That’s because …
- AngelsBabyChristmasDevilHopeIncarnationJesusJoyMessiahPeaceSatanSpiritual WarfareVictoryWar
The Christmas Card You’ll Never See
Each Christmas, millions of holiday greeting cards are shared by friends and family members. Those of a spiritual nature usually feature angelic choirs, gift-bearing wise men, a baby in a …