“The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him.”
In 2005, an African-American man named Jameel McGee was arrested on drug charges by a white officer named Andrew Collins. Like most accused men, McGee adamantly proclaimed his innocence. Unlike …
After President George H. Bush declared war on Iraq in the early 90s, a group of committed Christians in Atlanta gathered to pray. They prayed on behalf of soldiers, governmental …
- BitternessEvilGenocideHateHistoryHolocaustHumansMurderPhilosophyQuotesSinful Nature
Lord David Cecil on The Holocaust
“The jargon of the philosophy of progress taught us to think that the savage and primitive state of man is behind us…. But barbarism is not behind us, it is …
“Take note of my last words: If you do good to your friends, you will also be able to punish your enemies.”
- BehaviorCounselFaithGod's LoveHateHealthHelpHymnJesus' TeachingPurposeSalvationTransformation
How to Come to Jesus
Charlotte Elliot of Brighton, England was a tortured soul, and consequently, she tortured others. She thought her broken health and constant disabilities justified her bitterness to family and her hatred …
- AfricaDeathForgivenessGenocideGuiltyHateHolocaustKillMurderPersecutionRacismSufferingTortureUnforgivenessViolenceWar
Finding Forgiveness in Rwanda
Immaculée Ilibagiza could hear the killers calling her name. For weeks, she and seven other women silently hid in a tiny shower, trying to escape the holocaust raging through their …