The TV show Seinfeld followed the lives of four friends living in New York in the 90s. Jerry was the lead character. Elaine was his former girlfriend. Kramer was the …
- BitternessEvilGenocideHateHistoryHolocaustHumansMurderPhilosophyQuotesSinful Nature
Lord David Cecil on The Holocaust
“The jargon of the philosophy of progress taught us to think that the savage and primitive state of man is behind us…. But barbarism is not behind us, it is …
- AngerArgumentBad DecisionsBitternessCrazyDestructionDisagreementHurtful WordsRegretSelf-ControlSolution
Move Your Fence…Or I’ll Move Your House
“Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry,” warned the Apostle Paul many years ago. He knew that lingering bitterness can make people act in ways …
- AccidentAnimalsAssumptionBitternessDoctorFearForgivenessHurtMenRevengeUnforgivenessWorry
Beware of Dog…and Man!
Phil was in the front yard tossing a football with his two sons when a wild dog jumped the fence and attacked the middle-aged school teacher. The dog bit at …