The TV show Seinfeld followed the lives of four friends living in New York in the 90s. Jerry was the lead character. Elaine was his former girlfriend. Kramer was the …
Bad News
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Who Won?
In the summer of 1815, Europe’s eyes were fixed on the small town of Waterloo in what is now modern-day Belgium. There, an English and Prussian coalition bravely faced the …
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No Pain Wasted
Coach Billy Donovan knows how to win big. Before transitioning into the NBA, he led the Florida Gator’s basketball team in back-to-back national championships. But he knows what it’s like …
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We’re Still Gonna Party!
Phil LaBoon, a native of Pittsburgh, wanted to get married so he reserved a reception hall, hired a caterer, and sent out invitations. The one thing the handsome young man …
- AccidentBad NewsDeathEasterFatherGood NewsGriefIdentityLifeMistakeMisunderstandingMomParentsResurrectionSoldierSonSurpriseWar
“I’m Alive…Really!”
It’s the phone call no parent wants to receive. Ever. But on Thursday, February 28, 1991, Cecil and Ruth were both informed that their son, PFC. Clayton Carpenter, was killed …
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Pastor Takes Big Gamble
You’ve heard the expression “What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas” right? Well, it seems it’s not as simple as that. Sometimes, what happens in Vegas can land you in …
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A Lesson From My Mechanic
I was the unfortunate recipient of some bad news at my mechanic’s shop last month. He walked me into the bay where my SUV sat cradled on a lift and …
A weary woman walked through her front door finally returning from a business trip that had taken her all the way to Europe. She was greeted in the foyer by …